Erdem Yörük, Ph.D.
I am an AI researcher, tech executive and an academic concentrated in the fields of computer vision and deep learning with challenging IoT applications in retail. I received my BS and MS degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bogazici University, and my PhD degree in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from Johns Hopkins University
Currently, I am the Chief Technology Officer and a partner of Vispera Information Technologies Co., an Istanbul based technology company and an accredited R&D center with 100+ employees, innovating computer vision and AI solutions for the retail, specifically real time stock out detection, shelf inventory tracking and compliance assessment.
Apart from my industrial post, I am also an adjunct faculty at Bogazici University - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, where I co-advise undergraduate and graduate students and occasionally teach graduate level courses on statistical modeling and machine learning.
Here is my most recent CV: and my PhD dissertation:
- İ. Baz, E. Yörük, M. Çetin, “Context-Aware Confidence Sets for Fine-Grained Product Recognition,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 76376-76393, 2019.
- C. B. Akgül, E. Yörük, F. Mohideen, “Intel and Vispera ShelfSight: Effective On-Shelf Inventory Management for Grocers,” Intel Whitepaper on Retail and Internet of Things, 2018.
- N. Marvasti, E. Yörük, B. Acar, “Computer-Aided Medical Image Annotation: Preliminary Results with Liver Lesions in CT,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1561-1570, 2017.
- E. Jahangiri, E. Yörük, R. Vidal, L. Younes, D. Geman, “Information Pursuit: A Bayesian Framework for Sequential Scene Parsing,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.02343, 2017.
- İ. Baz, E. Yörük, M. Çetin, “Retail Product Recognition with a Graphical Shelf Model,” Proceedings of Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (IEEE - SIU), 2017.
- E. Yörük, K. T. Oner, C. B. Akgül, “An Efficient Hough Transform for Multi-Instance Object Recognition and Pose Estimation,” Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 1352-1357, 2016. (Intel Track 2 Best Paper Finalist).
- İ. Baz, E. Yörük, M. Çetin, “Context-Aware Hybrid Classification System For Fine-Grained Retail Product Recognition," Proceedings of IEEE Image, Video and Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing-Workshop, 2016.
E. Yörük, R. Vidal, “Efficient Object Localization and Pose Estimation with 3D Wireframe Models," International Conference on Computer Vision - 4th International IEEE Workshop on 3D Representation and Recognition (ICCV - 3dRR), 2013.
E. Yörük, M. F. Ochs, D. Geman, L. Younes, “A Comprehensive Statistical Model for Cell Signaling,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 8(3), 592-606, 2011.
B. Acar, E. Yörük, “DT-MRI Connectivity and/or Tractography?: Two New Algorithms,” Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision, S. Aja-Fernández, R. de Luis García, D. Tao, & Li, X. (Eds.), Series: Advances in Pattern Recognition, Springer, 2009.
- H. Dutağacı, G. Fouquier, E. Yörük, B. Sankur, L. Likforman-Sulem, J. Darbon, “Hand Recognition,” Guide to Biometric Reference Systems and Performance Evaluation, D. Petrovska-Delacretaz, G. Chollet, B. Dorizzi (Eds.), pp. 89-124, Springer, 2009.
H. Dutağacı, B. Sankur, E. Yörük, “A comparative analysis of global hand appearance-based person recognition,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 17(1), 011018/1- 011018/19, Jan-March, 2008.
E. Yörük, H. Dutagaci, B. Sankur, “Hand Biometrics,” Image and Vision Computing, 24(5), 483-497, 2006.
E. Yörük, E. Konukoglu, B. Sankur, J. Darbon, “Shape-Based Hand Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15(7), 1803-1815, 2006.
E. Yörük, B. Acar, R. Bammer “A Physical Model for DT-MRI Based Connectivity Map Computation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3749 / Part 1, pp. 213 220, Springer, 2005 (MICCAI 2005, Palm Springs, CA, USA)
E. Yörük, B. Acar, “Structure Preserving Regularization of DT-MRI Vector Fields By Nonlinear Abisotropic Diffusion Filtering,” Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2005, European Signal Processing Conference, September 4-8, 2005, Antalya, Turkey
E. Yörük, H. Dutagaci, B. Sankur “Hand Based Biometry,” Proceedings of SPIE 2005, January 16-20, 2005, San Jose, CA, USA
E. Yörük, E. Konukoglu, B. Sankur, J. Darbon, “Person Authentication Based On Hand Shape," Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2004, 12th European Signal Processing Conference, September 6-10, 2004, Vienna/Austria
E. Yörük, C. B. Akgül, “Color Image Segmentation using PDE-based Regularization and Watershed Transformation,” Proceedings of IEEE-SIU 2004, IEEE 12th Signal Processing and Telecommunication Applications Conference, April 28-30, 2004, Kusadasi/Turkey
- E. Yörük, E. Konukoglu, B. Sankur, J. Darbon, “Shape Based Hand Recognition,” Proceedings of IEEE-SIU 2004, IEEE 12th Signal Processing and Telecommunication Applications Conference, April 28-30, 2004 Kusadasi/Turkey (ranked first in student paper contest)
- Vispera Information Technologies:
- Bogazici University Electrical Engineering:
- JHU Center for Imaging Science:
- JHU Institute For Computational Medicine:
- JHU The Vision, Dynamics and Learning Lab:
- JHU Applied Mathematics and Statistics:
E-mail Address:
- e.yoruk
- e.yoruk